DowLite International 76-77 The above link opens up the entire DowLite International 1976-77 Issue in the .pdf format and you can read it on your computer. There are many interesting articles by Dow students, photos of the events in those days. If you have similar souvenirs please contact me at and I will adviseRead More
Dow Medical College Class of 1960
Dow Medical College Class of 1960: The photo is now fully tagged thanks to Irfan Rizvi, Dr. Ali Junshyd (a retired radiologist with V.A. Hospital in Houston, Texas, and Mr. Mazhar Kazi (who has worked with Dr. Rizvi as pathologist in the past. Currently he is in Houston). Dr. Bashir Ahmed is in Arlington, TexasRead More
Where are You: Last Name N
Dr. Naseem in Florida. Class of 1964. Please contact Dr. Nisar Ahmed in Houston;
Dow’s Were the Days
Dow Medical College Main Building.
The famous yum yum tree! Elsewhere on this site there is a poem by Dr. Syed Khalid Anwer, Class of 1983. Regards Amin H. Karim MD
Questar 1971: The Souvenir of Young Medicos Organization
Here is the souvenir Questar which was issued in 1971 by the Young Medicos Organization. The souvenir copy if courtesy of Dr. Syed Hamid Zaki, Past President of the Dow Medical College Students’ Union. Scanned by Amin H. Karim on a Fujitsu Scanner. Questar1971Vol1 Questar1971Vol2
Young Medicos Organization (YMO) 1971
The Birth of Young Medicos Organization 1957: YMO was a student organization in Dow Medical College that was formed for the purpose of working for the students of Dow and instilling in them a sense of community service. With time it became a “political organization” fielding candidates for the cabinet of Dow Medical College Students’Read More
Namood-e-Seher 1974: Urdu Souvenir of Dow Medical College, Karachi.
Thanks for Dr. Hamid Zaki, Past President of Dow Medical College Student’s Union I was able to get a copy of the Souvenir, had it scanned and uploading it to this website. Professor Abdul Wahid, Principal of Dow Medical College and Patron of Namood-e-Seher. To read the souvenir, please click below and the entire .pdfRead More
Dow Medical College Annual Souvenir 1973-74
AnnuelSouvenir73-74 Here is the Annual Souvenir of Dow Medical College 1973-74. The copy was courtesy of Dr. Hamid Zaki of class of 1977. Amin H. Karim MD
Dow Medical College Students’ Union 1945
Dow Medical College Karachi was established on 10th of December 1945. This is the first Dow Medical College Student’s Union; It started a tradition that lasted almost 35 years when Dow always had a Students’ Union representing the interests of the students to the Administration, Civil Hospital, University of Bombay initially and later University ofRead More