Pakistan Doctors Organization was formed in 1979 to represent the interest of young doctors who felt that the Pakistan Medical Association (PMA) was not representing them. It was a Pakistan wide organization with the Karachi founders at Dow Medical College Karachi. The souvenir published by them is presented and recorded here for reference. The detailsRead More
DMC Class of 1960
The Girls of Class of 1960. Photo and tagging courtesy of Dr. Ghazala Ansari. Regards Amin H. Karim MD
Dow Medical Class of 1982-83
Photo courtesy DowLink published by The Dow Graduate Association of North America (DOGANA) Tagged courtesy of Dr. Ghazala Durrani of Class of 1977. Regards Amin H. Karim MD
Prof. Abdul Wahid Reciting Some Verses 1985.
This video took many years to be finally traced to Dr. Mohammad Hafeez Rahman MD who graciously gave it to for processing it into a movie. I first heard about the video at the Golden Jubilee Celebration of the Class of 1960 in Houston in 2010. Prof. Adeeb Rizvi came from Karachi to attend hisRead More
Blood Pressure Prevalence in Karachi 2018
BLOOD PRESSURE PREVALENCE IN KARACHI: High blood pressure (BP) is one of the leading risk factors for global disease burden, accounting for 17% of all deaths worldwide . The approximate number of adults with elevated BP has increased from 594 million in 1975 to 1.13 billion in 2015, 258 million of whom were living inRead More
DMC 5th Annual Convocation 1979-80
SouvenirAnnualConvo79-80 Here is the Souvenir published at the occation of the 5th Annual Convocation in 1979-80. Chair person of the convocation committee was Late Prof. Razia Latif Ansari. The President of the Students’ Union was Dr. Naseem Azeez Shaikhani, who is currently in St. Louis USA and is the President Elect 2019 of the AssociationRead More
Prof. Habib Patel
Prof. Habib Patel was born in 1912 in India. He was an outstanding student at the Grant Medical College, Bombay and was appointed to the faculty in 1941. He was invited by the Government of Sindh in 1947 to come over to Pakistan which he did and joined Dow Medical College and Civil Hospital KarachiRead More
The DMC Logo
Logo of our alma mater Dow Medical College. Dow University of Health Sciences has taken it over but for us it will always be Dow Medical College, Karachi, the first medical school in Karachi and the only one for 30 years. Amin H. Karim MD
The Artists of Dow 1970
Talent abounded in Dow Medical College. Drs. Usman Sadiq Baluch (Class of 1973) and Dr. Nasser Mahmood (Class of 1973) made pencil sketches which were published in the Namood-e-Sahar of 1970 (Silver Jubilee edition) Amin H. Karim MD
Namood-e-Sahar Silver Jubilee Edition 1970
Here is the Namood-e-Sahar 1970 Special Silver Jubilee Edition. Dow Medical College Karachi was established in 1945 and celebrated it’s Silver Jubilee in 1970. I am indebted to Dr. Syed Hamid Zaki for sharing his copy for scanning. Regards Amin H. Karim MD NamoodeSahar1970SilverJubPart1 NamoodeSahar1970SilverJubPart2