Dr. Naseem in Florida. Class of 1964. Please contact Dr. Nisar Ahmed in Houston; nisarahmedmd@yahoo.com
Category: Where Are You?
Current location and photo if available of Dowites who have not objected to being on the net. Limited details will be placed and if they have a website or page elsewhere a link will be placed for further detailed information.
The Dow Snack Corner – Haji Saheb and Shaji

Recently we received email from Anis Rehman who remembers his days in Dow when his father, our Haji Saheb and his uncle Shahji used to run the famous Dow Snack Corner and Canteen. Now a grown man and doing quite well, he saw our Dow Days Blog and noted the post on Dow Canteen he sentRead More
Where Are the Dowites? Last Name R
Where are the Dowites Today? Last Name K
Where Are You? Dow Class of 1995
Imran Rajwani MD. Medical Director Passport Health First class medical care for travel anywhere 8105 Edgewater Dr. Suite 200. Oakland, CA-94621 P: 888-499-7277/510-564-4251. F: 510-564-4498. http://www.passporthealthusa.com/san-francisco
Where Are the Dowites? Last name S
Yahya Khalid Siddiq MD (Dowite 1962) Endocrinologist, Atlanta, Georgia. USA