This is a list of Dowites who are no longer among us. May their soul rest in peace. Where possible and known details are mentioned. Professor Abdul Wahid, Principal, Dow Medical College. September 30 1969 to July 20 1978 Prof, Wahid expired February 2 2000 Dr. Meher Wahidi, Dowite 1977. Murdered in New York USARead More
Category: Rest In Peace
Dow graduates and faculty who are no longer with us arranged alphabetically.
Rest in Peace: Dowites No Longer with Us. (Last Name D)
This is a list of Dowites who are no longer among us. May their soul rest in peace. Where possible and known details are mentioned. Mohammed Usman Daroowala (Dow 1977)
Professor Rizvi
Professor Syed Ashfaq Hussain Rizvi, Chief of General Surgery and Head of Surgical Unit I Civil Hospital Karachi in the 1960’s and 70’s. He passed away at the age of 88 years in 2003-4 in Karachi. Photo uploaded by Amin H. Karim MD November 24 2013
Late Professor Abdul Wahid
Late Professor Abdul Wahid, Professor of Anatomy and Principal, The first photo is from 1964 and courtesy of Dr. Nisar Ahmed Bakshi, graduate of 1964. Dow Medical College, Karachi. He was the Principal of Dow Medicine College from September 30 1969 to July 14 1978 (9 years).Prof. Wahid was very popular and the first teacherRead More