This is a list of Dowites who are no longer among us. May their soul rest in peace. Where possible and known details are mentioned. Prof. Syed Ashfaq Hussain Rizvi, Head of Department of Surgery, Civil Hospital Karachi expired in Karachi in 2008 at age 88 years.
Category: Rest In Peace
Dow graduates and faculty who are no longer with us arranged alphabetically.
Professor Salma Vahidy-Akram
Professor Salma Vahidy-Akram passed away on November 27 2014 Photos courtesy of Dr. Azhar Iqbal. Note from Dr. Ahmed Sayeed Houston, Texas (Dow 1960) Dr Salma Akram was wife of my class fellow Dr Mohammed Akram. Both were Pathologists and became professors at Dow Medical College. Dr Salma was 1959 Dow graduate, one year seniorRead More
Professor Akther Ahmed R.I.P.

Professor Akther Ahmed passed away. Inna lillehe wa inna ilehi rajioon. Dr. Akther as seen above was on the Honor Roll of Dow Medical College in 1957. Dr. Ahmed returned from UK to join the department of Neurology at Civil Hospital and Dow Medical College , Karachi. in the early 1970’s we attended Neurology lecturesRead More
Dr. Abdul Qadir Shaikh Dow 1984

Dr. Shaikh wrote his name as Cader Cheique. Batch of 1984 entered Dow when we were graduating in 1977 Their class has the distinction of having the most Dow graduates practicing in USA. Amin H. Karim MD (Dow 1977) COMMENT BY DR. JAVED SULEMAN. (SMC and past President of APPNA) This was the lastRead More
Prof. Javed Iqbal Kazi, DMC Class of 1980

(Photo courtesy of Dr. Ghulam Nabi and possible another website and from Google) Assassinated: FEBRUARY 16 2014 Karachi, Pakistan A graduate of the Dow Medical College Class of 1980, (fraduated in 1981) Dr Kazi has a very bright academic career. He obtained his doctorate from the Royal College of Pathology, London. Thereafter he joinedRead More
Professor Fazal Elahi Remembered

Prof. Fazal Elahi was Prof of Surgery and Head of Department Of Surgery at Dow & CHK. We honoured his memory, with a plenary lecture dedicated to him in Surgicon 2013 conference, organized by the Society of Surgeons Pakistan, Karachi Chapter, in December 2013. Dr. Rizwan Azami, Vice President, College of Physician Surgeon Pakistan, wrote andRead More
Rest In Peace: Dowites No Longer with Us (Last Name S)
Professor Malik Ali Shaikh, Department of Medicine. Dr. Muhammad Tariq Sethi died December 16 2013. Reported by his classmate Dr. Naseem Shekhani on GlobeMedic Email group. Dr. Habib-ul-Haq Siddiqui: Dr. Siddiqui was a graduate of 1956. He expired in 2011. May Allah almighty give him Maghfira. Worked as anesthetist in Nairobi after doing his postRead More
Rest in Peace: Dowites No Longer with Us. (Last Name N)
This is a list of Dowites who are no longer among us. May their soul rest in peace. Where possible and known details are mentioned. Dr. Wajiuddin Naqvi (Dowite 1977, lived and passed away in UK) Dr. Muslim Nawab (Dowite 1977; passed away in Dallas, Texas, USA)
Rest in Peace: Dowites No Longer with Us. (Last Name A)
This is a list of Dowites who are no longer among us. May their soul rest in peace. Where possible and known details are mentioned. Dr.Afsar Aijaz (Dowite 1977) Dr. Syed Hamid Ali (Dowite 1959) passed away in 2006. Dr. Anisa Hamid Ali (Dowite 1959) passed away in 2006. Dr. Naeem Ahmed MD (Dowite 1975).Read More
Rest in Peace: Dowites No Longer with Us. (Last Name K)

This is a list of Dowites who are no longer among us. May their soul rest in peace. Where possible and known details are mentioned. Professor Jaffer Khan, (Dowite 1977) Professor of Ophthalmology, Ayub Medical College; Died 2012. Professor A.M. Kassim, Department of Medicine. Dr. Irfan Ahmad Khan, Class of 1976 graduated in 1978. WasRead More