Pakistan Doctors Organization was formed in 1979 to represent the interest of young doctors who felt that the Pakistan Medical Association (PMA) was not representing them. It was a Pakistan wide organization with the Karachi founders at Dow Medical College Karachi. The souvenir published by them is presented and recorded here for reference. The detailsRead More
Category: Dow-Related Publications
Annual Magazines, Event Souvenirs, Special Editions, Dowlink from DOGANA and other publications presented here in .pdf format thanks to dowites.
DMC 5th Annual Convocation 1979-80
SouvenirAnnualConvo79-80 Here is the Souvenir published at the occation of the 5th Annual Convocation in 1979-80. Chair person of the convocation committee was Late Prof. Razia Latif Ansari. The President of the Students’ Union was Dr. Naseem Azeez Shaikhani, who is currently in St. Louis USA and is the President Elect 2019 of the AssociationRead More
Namood-e-Sahar Silver Jubilee Edition 1970
Here is the Namood-e-Sahar 1970 Special Silver Jubilee Edition. Dow Medical College Karachi was established in 1945 and celebrated it’s Silver Jubilee in 1970. I am indebted to Dr. Syed Hamid Zaki for sharing his copy for scanning. Regards Amin H. Karim MD NamoodeSahar1970SilverJubPart1 NamoodeSahar1970SilverJubPart2
DowLite International 1976-77 (Quaid Number)
DowLite International 76-77 The above link opens up the entire DowLite International 1976-77 Issue in the .pdf format and you can read it on your computer. There are many interesting articles by Dow students, photos of the events in those days. If you have similar souvenirs please contact me at and I will adviseRead More
Questar 1971: The Souvenir of Young Medicos Organization
Here is the souvenir Questar which was issued in 1971 by the Young Medicos Organization. The souvenir copy if courtesy of Dr. Syed Hamid Zaki, Past President of the Dow Medical College Students’ Union. Scanned by Amin H. Karim on a Fujitsu Scanner. Questar1971Vol1 Questar1971Vol2
Namood-e-Seher 1974: Urdu Souvenir of Dow Medical College, Karachi.
Thanks for Dr. Hamid Zaki, Past President of Dow Medical College Student’s Union I was able to get a copy of the Souvenir, had it scanned and uploading it to this website. Professor Abdul Wahid, Principal of Dow Medical College and Patron of Namood-e-Seher. To read the souvenir, please click below and the entire .pdfRead More
Dow Medical College Annual Souvenir 1973-74
AnnuelSouvenir73-74 Here is the Annual Souvenir of Dow Medical College 1973-74. The copy was courtesy of Dr. Hamid Zaki of class of 1977. Amin H. Karim MD
DowLite International 1975
DowLiteInternational1975 Click above line to open the magazine in a .pdf format. Enjoy. Amin H. Karim MD
Retracing History: Inauguration Day, Dow Medical College 1945
By Raamish Karatela Dow Medical College is one the oldest Medical Colleges in Pakistan. It was established under British rule in 1945 under the leadership of Sir Hugh Dow (the then Governor of Sind) and his Minister of Public Health, Dr. Hermandas Wadhwant. It has since then served as one of the premier and prestigiousRead More
DowLite International 1981
DowLite International 1981 was published by DMCSU Magazine Secretary Dr. Sohail Ansari (Graduate of Class of 1983)