Visitors to the Dow Medical College Karachi 1956-57. Photo courtesy of Dr. Ahmed Sayeed, Houston. To view the photo closely, click on the photo.
Category: Dow Faculty
Faculty members of Dow Medical College and later Dow University of Health Sciences (DUHS), Karachi.
The Dow Days
Farewell Party for Prof. Shahinshah Hussain Zaidi 1972.
This is a farewell party given by students of Dow Medical College (of all years) at the Karachi Intercontinental Hotel in 1972 for Professor of Physiology late Prof. Shahinshah Hussain Zaidi (in the center). Seated next to him on his left is Prof. Afaq Ahmed, an Assistant Professor in Physiology and next to him onRead More
Dow graduates who served our nation during September 1965 War
Archives: 1965 This is taken from an article in the old publication where Dow faculty’s role in 1965 Pakistan-India War was recognized. We Salute Our Brave Dow Graduates who served our nation during September 1965 War 1. Dr. Khwaja Moin Ahmed 2. Dr. Raja Ghulam Asgher 3. Dr. A. Rauf (Army) 4. Dr. Sur. Comm.Read More
Late Professor Manzar Saleem
Late Professor Manzar Saleem, Department of Surgery was a Dow alumnus, Class of 1974 graduating in 1976. He was a dedicated student always willing to guide and help juniors. On August 17 2008 he died suddenly of a heart attack.
Busharat Ahmad MD
“After passing my Boards in Ophthalmology and doing research and teaching at the Harvard Medical School I decided to return home and joined the teaching faculty at the DOW. in 1969. Prof Mahmood Ali Shah had just retired as Principal and was the Professor of Ophthalmology at the Civil Hospital and really embraced me inRead More
Prof. Mumtaz Maher
Prof. Mumtaz Maher, Department of Surgery, as written by Dr. Irfan Rizvi on GlobeMedics Email group on December 14 2013. “Dr. Mumtaz Maher is currently a partner at the South City Hospital. He was a much sought after mentor during his time at the Civil Hospital. His students recall him being the only professor ofRead More
Dow Medical College Faculty List Late 1970’s Early 1980’s
This is the list of Dow Medical College Faculty in the late 1970 early 1980’s. Courtesy of Class of 1980 as published on their website. Courtesy of Dr. Abdul Rahman, Class of 1980 who has created the website for his class. Prof. Mohammed Manazirul Hasan, Chairman Academic Council; Prof. Abdul Waheed (Dean Faculty of Medicine)Read More
Dow Medical College Elections 1979
Elections 1979. Winners with Late Professor M.M. Hassan (Ophthalmology)Principal Abdul Wahid (Anatomy) and Late Professor Razia Latif Ansari.Photo courtesy of Dr. Naseem Shekhani, an Pain Medicine specialist in St. Louis, Missouri andand an activist for humanitarian efforts in Pakistan. Tagged by Amin H. Karim. Please help with therest of the names of standing students.Uploaded byRead More
Professor Kishwar Nazli Mehmood
Professor Kishwar Nazli Mehmood served in the Department of Surgery, Civil Hospital Karachi and was a popular teacher. Her son Sadeem Mehmood MD is in USA and was the President of Dow Graduate Association of North America (DOGANA) Uploaded by Amin H. Karim MD Dec 5 2013.