Dow Medical College Class of 1964 Graduation Day: Photo and caption courtesy of Nisar Ahmed Bakshi MD, Houston, Texas Courtesy of Dr. Nisar Ahmed MD Class of 1964 6th from right in second row. Amongst our teachers – Sitting on the chairs I recognise Col. Saeed Ahmed, Prof. A.Waheed, Prof. M.A.Shah, & Major Hasan. SittingRead More
Category: Annual Events
Yearly events like convocations, fairs, melas, gatherings and elections are collected here for easy viewing.
Dow Medical College Events 1967
Dow Medical College Students’ Union Election Meeting 1967. Photo courtesy of ApnaKal. Uploaded by Amin H. Karim MD Nov 28 2013. Dow Medical College Karachi. First Public Meeting of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto on Feb 15 1967; Dr. Mohammed Taqi is now in Towson, Maryland. Photo courtesy of ApnaKal blog and uploaded by Amin H. KarimRead More
Dow Medical College Events 1960
These are random events taking place in 1960-61. Any known details can be entered in the comments and will be appreciated, especially if you were present at the event. The person on the left is Professor Osman Vali Jooma of Neurosurgery. Other details of the event are not known at present. Photo courtesy of Dr.Read More
Graduation Ceremony DMC Class of 1977 Held in 1978.
The Graduation Ceremony of the Class of 1977 was held on 19th January 1978 on the grounds of Dow Medical College. There were students from 7 years of MBBS classes. Azizur Rehman was the President of the Student’s Union and Professor Abdul Wahid was the Principal. Credit for the photos goes to the 1977 alumni.Read More
Dow Medical College Elections DMCSU 1971-72
Elections to the Dow Medical College Students Union 1971. photo has been tagged by Amin H. Karim MD. To see the tags please click to enlarge it. Class of 1977 had started the first year MBBS. There are several students from 1977 class like Abdul Hamid, Nayyar Iqbal. Seated in the center in elected PresidentRead More
Dow Medical College Events 1983
Class of 1983. Photo courtesy of Talha Ahmed