Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi. 2013 (Annual, DUHS) Dow Medical College S. Seat CMS-ID Enrolment No. Name Father’s Name No No. 1 6638 01/2007/007 DUHS/D/1648/2008 SABA FATIMA MUHAMMAD MUHAMMAD ALI ALI 2 6624 01/2007/062 DUHS/D/1631/2008 SYEDA SAWAIRA NASIM SYED NASEEM HAIDAR NAQVI NAQVI 3 6463 01/2007/044 DUHS/D/1523/2008 FAREEHA AHMED KHAN SIRAJUDDIN AHMED KHAN 4Read More
Category: 2010s
The class activities, news, related pictures and more …
Dow Medical College Class of 2012 Complete Alumni List
Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi. 2012 (Annual, DUHS) Dow Medical College S. No Seat CMS-ID Enrolment No. Name Father’s Name No. 1 1019 01/2006/086 DUHS/D/1228/2007 AALIYA MASNOON MASNOON AHMED 2 1001 01/2006/146 DUHS/D/1188/2007 ABDUL RAUF SABIR ABDUL LATIF 3 1005 01/2006/220 DUHS/D/1179/2007 ABDUL SAMAD ZAHID MUHAMMAD ZAHID ALI 4 1047 01/2006/197 DUHS/D/1193/2007 ABDUL WASAYRead More
Dow Medical College Class of 2011 Complete Alumni List
Dow University of Health Sceinces, Karachi. 2011 (Annual, DUHS) Dow Medical College S. Seat Enrolment No. CMS ID Name Father’s Name No. No. 1 2041 DUHS/D/1103/2006 01/2005/034 AAMNA QAZI QAZI AHMED SALEEM 2 2022 DUHS/D/0889/2006 01/2005/223 ABDUL KHALIQUE NIAZ MUHAMMAD PEERZADA PIRZADA 3 2043 DUHS/D/0886/2006 01/2005/240 ABDUL RAHMAN . ABDUL RAZZAK 4 2017 DUHS/D/1136/2006 01/2005/298Read More
Dow Medical College Class of 2010 Complete Alumni List.
Dow University of Health Sciences Karachi. 2010 (Annual, DUHS) Dow Medical College S. Seat Enrolment No. Name Father’s Name No. No 1 3028 DUHS/D/0216/2004 ABDAL QADER JEHAD JEHAD ABDALQADER 2 3033 DUHS/D/0801/2005 ABDUL AHAD NASEER UDDIN 3 3001 DUHS/D/0595/2005 ABDUL SAMAD HAJI AHMED 4 3021 DUHS/D/0847/2005 ABEDA ARIFF ARIFF ALI MOHAMED 5 3024 DUHS/D/0835/2005 ADNANRead More
Life In Dow 2015
12 Things You Realize When You Are A Student At DOW Medical College By Sidrah – Nov 25, 2015 Every student who wants to become a doctor has a dream of studying in the Dow Universityof Health Sciences. After years of struggle, when you finally get in, it is the happiest moment of your life. YourRead More
Dow Medical College Class of 2014 Fourth Year List.
Dow Medical College Class of 2014 Fourth Year List. Courtesy of Muhammad Farhan Khaliq Class of 2014. The List is in the Microsoft .doc format. Please click on it. DMCClass2014FourthYear
Save Our Civil Hospital (SOCH)
Psychiatry in Undergraduate Examination at DUHS January 2014
On Thursday, January 16, 2014 2:45 AM, Raza Rahman <> wrote: Dear Colleagues Salaam, It an honor to share the moment of inclusion of psychiatry in undergraduate examination at Dow University of Health Sciences DUHS. Last week following distinguished examiners conducted the TOCS examination of Psychiatry at Dow University. In forthcoming National psychiatric conference atRead More
Dow Neighborhood in 2013
Views and Comments on The Dow Days
Comments and Suggestions on THE DOW DAYS Dear Dowites all ov er the Globe This month on December 10 2013, Dow Medical College will complete 68 years of its existence. It was established on 10th December 1945 when Sir Hugh Dow, Governor of Sindhlaid the foundation stone of the new building. The medical college was transferred fromRead More