The untagged version. The photo is courtesy of Dr. Ghazala Ansari (mother of Dr. Deeba Syed) and tagged by Dr. Talha Siddiqui. Posted Feb 1 2020 by Amin H. Karim
The class activities, related pictures and more …
DMC Class of 1989 announced their Silver Jubilee Class Project Project: Pathology Lab in CHK with focus on timely interpretation of frozen sections; with plan to expand the services to include histopathology . Need: Currently there are no arrangements for frozen sections at CHK and patients spent 1-2 hours under anesthesia unnecessarily while the surgeonRead More
December 31 2013: I am happy to share that our class (dow 89-II) project was inaugurated today at CHK. Our classmates collected over $100,000 for this project within a year and were able to start this project with support from Child Life Foundation. This project will help triage the pediatric patients coming to the ERRead More
Dow Graduate Association of North America (DOGANA) http://dowalumni.com/ Dow Graduate Association of North Europe (DOGANE) http://www.freewebs.com/dogane/ Dow Medical College Class of 1975 Graduated in 1977. Here is the link to their facebook page with photos and alumni events through the years. https://www.facebook.com/dow1977 DOWLIST: Dowites Around the Globe Facebook group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/dowlist/ DOWLIST EMAIL FORUM: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DowList/ DOWRead More
Prof. Almani was the 12th Principal of DMC from June 18 1987 to December 18, 1991 and from September 8 1992 to December 2 1992.
Syed Nadeem Ahsan MD, Class of 1989 has a flair for photography. See his work at http://www.flickr.com/photos/99084100@N04/with/10431116684/
Dow Alumni Lists by Year of Graduation: We are thankful to Professor Tipu Sultan, Professor Masood Hameed and Dr. Afsar for providing assistance in acquiring the records. Special thanks to Dr. Amin Baig of class of 1984 who diligently supervised the project until it was completed. Also thanks to the workers in the Dow Administrative Department. The project took several weeks toRead More
This amateurish article (typos and all) was published in some unsophisticated Dow publication in 1988. It is not necessarily entirely autobiographical. It is largely a lament about the frequent shutdowns Dow was subjected to through intramural and city-wide violence. The Class of 1987 didn’t graduate till 1989. Students used to go at each other with axes, laathis andRead More