At Lahore Railway Station during Hygiene Toor. L to R standing: ? Khalid, Wasim Qazi, Idrees Shraf, Munir, ?, Javed Tatoo. Sitting: Anis, M Ali, Shakeel, Ismaeel, Changeezi, Aurangzeb, Khalid Bagla; Photo courtesy of Dr. Saghir Naqvi.
The class activities, related pictures and more …
Founding and early members of Karachi Medicos Association. 1973-74 Photo is courtesy of Dr. Haroon Khan from UK. Drs. Anwar Jalil, Salman Faridi, Zafarullah Syed, Hamid Zaki, Mughisuddin Ahmed helped in tagging the photo. (all of Class of 1977) In the 60s and 70’s Dow was the hot bed of politics from its inception inRead More
This is the list of Dow Medical College Faculty in the late 1970 early 1980’s. Courtesy of Class of 1980 as published on their website. Courtesy of Dr. Abdul Rahman, Class of 1980 who has created the website for his class. Prof. Mohammed Manazirul Hasan, Chairman Academic Council; Prof. Abdul Waheed (Dean Faculty of Medicine)Read More
This is a list of Dowites who are no longer among us. May their soul rest in peace. Where possible and known details are mentioned. Professor Jaffer Khan, (Dowite 1977) Professor of Ophthalmology, Ayub Medical College; Died 2012. Professor A.M. Kassim, Department of Medicine. Dr. Irfan Ahmad Khan, Class of 1976 graduated in 1978. WasRead More
Dow Alumni Lists by Year of Graduation: We are thankful to Professor Tipu Sultan, Professor Masood Hameed and Dr. Afsar for providing assistance in acquiring the records. Special thanks to Dr. Amin Baig of class of 1984 who diligently supervised the project until it was completed. Also thanks to the workers in the Dow Administrative Department. The project took several weeks toRead More
The Graduation Ceremony of the Class of 1977 was held on 19th January 1978 on the grounds of Dow Medical College. There were students from 7 years of MBBS classes. Azizur Rehman was the President of the Student’s Union and Professor Abdul Wahid was the Principal. Credit for the photos goes to the 1977 alumni.Read More
Dow Medical College Class of 1978 taken sometimes in 1973 when they were in MBBS I or 2. In the background is the Anatomy Department of Dow Medical College Basic Sciences. Some famous people are seen here: Mohammed Ali is a Ophthalmologist in Karachi. Shaiq Hussain is a anesthesiologist in Ziuddin Memorial, Karachi Asim Hussain isRead More
Dow Class of 1978; photo probably in 1973 outside Dow Building. Shahabuddin was the popular assistant in the Anatomy Dissection Hall who helped many a student pass the surface anatomy test! Asim Hussain was a Federal Minister in the PPP Government. Dr. Azfar Malik is a Psychiatrist in USA. Arif Omer works for a multinationalRead More