Anthem song of the Dow Medical College first sung at the Golden Jubilee Celebration of the Dow Medical College Karachi December 1996. Music composed by Dr. Hamid Zaki Class of 1977. More details to follow. The video was made at the occasion by Amin H. Karim MD
Category: 1977
The class activities, related pictures and more …
Dow Class of 1977 Safe Motherhood Project Recognition by Governor Sindh
Photos courtesy of Dr. Shaukat Malik and uploaded by Amin H. Karim MD November 27 2013.
1996: Golden Jubilee of Dow Medical College

ABOUT THE GOLDEN JUBILEE Golden Jubilee of Dow Medical College and Centenary of Civil Hospital Karachi which was held from December 28, 1996 to January 1, 1997 in Karachi, Pakistan. This Congress was organized in collaboration with the Overseas Doctors Associations and Dow Graduates of North America KARACHI DECEMBER 28 1996; Polo Ground Baradari: ARead More
Dow Class of 1977: The Reunion 1994 by Prof. Murad M. Khan

DOW MEDICAL COLLEGE CLASS OF 1977 REUNION KARACHI 1994 AN ARTICLE BY PROF. MURAD MOOSA KHAN, DOW77 WRITTEN AND PUBLISHED ON DOW77.COM IN 1997. Some of us had changed beyond recognition. Others had managed to retain their youthful looks. Most fell somewhere in between. But we all came. Pulled as if we were by theRead More
Dow Class of 1975 (Graduated in 1977) Silver Jubilee Celebration December 2002.

Dow Medical College Class of 1975, graduating in 1977 celebrated its Silver Jubilee in December 2002 (December 25, 2002 to January 1 2003). It was marked by the inauguration of the Safe Motherhood Project in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Civil Hospital Karachi. The project established a Emergency Labor Room. About 80Read More
Dow Class of 1977 Safe Motherhood Project 2002.

At the Silver Jubilee of the Class of 1975 (graduating in 1977), the alumni living across the globe collected funds and donated the build out of the CIVIL HOSPITAL LABOR EMERGENCY ROOM or SAFE MOTHERHOOD PROJECT. The Project was inaugurated by Mrs. Sheba Musharraf, wife of General Pervez Musharraf on December 31 2002. Dow alumniRead More
Professor Jalisi

Professor M. Jalisi of Department of Otolarygology, Civil Hospital Karachi. His own ENT manual dubbed “Jalisi Digest” by the students made him popular. Good teacher and liked by all. Photo uploaded by Amin H. Karim MD November 26 2013, Prof. M. Jalisi, Ex-Chief of ENT at Civil Hospital Karachi, now retired at the APPNA MeetingRead More
Dow Medical College Class of 1975 (Graduated in 1977) Individual Alumni
Dow Events 2002

Class of 1977 at the Civil Hospital Burns Center under the directorship of Prof. Shaista Effendi (Dow 1977) in 2002. This was on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the class of 1977 and the inauguration of the Gynae and Labor Ward Safe Motherhood Project initiated by the Class of 1977. Photo Amin H.Read More
Dow Medical College Class of 1977 ALumni List (Graduated in 1979)
1977, Jaffer Abbas 1977, Kishwar Syed Abbas 1977, Saeed Ahmed Abbasi 1977, Farrukh Ali Khan Abdali 1977, Khalida Nasreen Abdullah 1977, Samirah Sadik Abdullah Arab 1977, Shahid Hussain Syed Abidi 1977, Zain ul Abidin 1977, Shahnaz Abrar 1977, Abdul Hakim Abrash 1977, Naseema Yousuf Afghan 1977, Mansoor Syed Afroz 1977, Salahuddin Syed Afsar 1977, MohammadRead More