This is a list of Dowites who are no longer among us. May their soul rest in peace. Where possible and known details are mentioned. Dr.Afsar Aijaz (Dowite 1977) Dr. Syed Hamid Ali (Dowite 1959) passed away in 2006. Dr. Anisa Hamid Ali (Dowite 1959) passed away in 2006. Dr. Naeem Ahmed MD (Dowite 1975).Read More
Category: 1975
The class activities, related pictures and more …
Dow Medical College Students’ Union (DMCSU) 1975-76

The Dow Medical College Students’ Union and now the DUHS Union have played a major role in student life in DMC. It provided a training ground in democracy. The elected union was the liaison between students and the College, University, Provincial and National Administration. President: Syed Hamid Zaki General Secretary: Shaukat Malik Magazine Secretary: ZubairRead More
Dow Medical College Class of 1975 (Graduated in 1977) Individual Alumni
Dow Medical College Class of 1975 Alumni List. (Graduated in 1977)
Dow Alumni Lists by Year of Graduation: We are thankful to Professor Tipu Sultan, Professor Masood Hameed and Dr. Afsar for providing assistance in acquiring the records. Special thanks to Dr. Amin Baig of class of 1984 who diligently supervised the project until it was completed. Also thanks to the workers in the Dow Administrative Department. The project took several weeks toRead More
Dow Medical College Events 1975

Elections to the Dow Medical College Students’ Union (DMCSU) were always colorful and full of excitement. The above banners represent the candidates fielded by the Karachi Medicos Association Munir Shikari as President and Azfar Hussain as General Secretary. (Both Dowites 1977) Photo courtesy of Dr, Munir Shikari Dowite 1977
DMC Class of 1977 as seen in 1975

Dow Medical College Class of 1977 as seen in their clinical rotation groups and lecture halls in the year 1975. Above is from Medical Unit III rotation with late Prof. Khwaja Moin and Assistant Professor Khursheed. Photo uploaded by Amin H. Karim MD. November 23 2013. Class of 1977 photo from a clinical rotation. DMCRead More
DMC Hygiene Department Pakistan Tour 1975

Dow Medical College Department of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine All Pakistan Tour February 9-23, 1975. Class of 1977: Photo courtesy Munir A. Shikari. — with Kishwar Zaidi, Zubeda Maeshri, Shaheen Yousuf, Yousuf,Farzana Siddiqui, Shahnaz Jinnah, Aziza Shad, Samina Qureshi-Hayat, and Salma Hafiz. All from Class of 1977. Uploaded by Amin H. Karim MD November 23 2013. The Hygiene Tour of Pakistan was organized by Dr. NajmusRead More
Magazine Committee 1975

Magazine Committee 1975 posing with Prof. Mushtaq Hasan, Chief of Medicine Ward, Civil Hospital, Karachi. Magazine Secretary was Zubair Farooq sitting on Prof. Hasan’s left. On his right is Misbahul Aziz (now Prof Of Ophthalmology). On Misbah’s right is late Prof. Manzar Saleem who was later Principal of DMC. On Manzar’s right is Amin H.Karim.Read More
DMC Convocation Souvenir 1975-76

Here is the complete souvenir that can be downloaded to your computer and read.It is in .pdf format which can be opened by any computer using a free reader made by adobe acrobat. Convocation Souvenir was published by the Dow Medical College Student’s Union in 1975-76. The President of the Union was Aftab Qazi. TheRead More
Will It Ever Come? Cartoon by Amin H. Karim MD

In 1975 there were 7 MBBS Classes at one time, since exams for 1975 class were delayed. Our class joined in 1970 and was supposed to graduate in 1975 and finally graduated in 1977; one whole year was lost due to the India-Pakistan war in 1970 and rest due to postponements. (to read the cartoonRead More