Category: 1975
The class activities, related pictures and more …
The Dow Gazette – Monthly Newsletter of DMCSU – July 1975

This is the months newsletter of DMC Student Union. You will find full length regular newspaper style publication that was the part of student life in Dow Days. Your will find articles, reports, editorials, interviews, opinion, cartoon sketches, sports events and much more. You may find many familiar names and many forgotten names here. TheRead More
Convocation Souvenir 1975-96
DowLite International 1975
Dowite 1976 Dr. Shahid Yousuf Awarded Gold Medal by APPNA

Dr. Shahid Yousuf is a DMC graduate of 1976. He is a retired Psychiatrist in Florida. In August 2015 Association of Pakistani-Descent Physicians of North America (APPNA) awarded Dr. Yousuf a Gold Medal for his services to the cause of the Association and to the alumni in general. DOWITE SHAHID YOUSUF DMC 1976 BEING AWARDEDRead More
Dowites Stuggle with American Medical Association: By Dr. Shahid Yousuf MD (Dowite 1975)

(Dr. Yousuf is on the left) The following is from 1987 Michigan Psychiatric Society Newsletter of which this writer was a contributor. While most IMGS who have come to US in the mid 1980s onwards immediately got rights equal to US domestic medical graduates, they are unaware of the struggle that members of APPNA waged onRead More
Dr. Mohammed Haroon Z. Khan Cochlear Implant Program

Dr. Mohammed Haroon Z. Khan. FRCS. Consultant ENT Surgeon, Rochandle, UK. Dow graduate of 1975; Class of 1977 remembers Dr. Khan as the RMO when we were preparing for Final MBBS Exam; I personally remember him going out of his way to show students ENT instruments, knowledge of which was vital for the oral ENTRead More
Student Activism and Politics in a Third-World Medical School

Student Activism and Politics in a Third-World Medical School: A Truncated Recollection of Events Between 1975 and 1985 Naveed Kamal Shams, MD. Dow Graduate, Class of 1982. Currently, Senior Vice President Research & Development & Chief Medical Officer, OPKO Health, Inc. Miami, Florida Since the creation of Pakistan, student unions have played a pivotal roleRead More