Dow class of 1964 celebrated their 52th Anniversary of Graduation in Washington DC at the DOGANA and APPNA Summer meeting. August 5 2016. Dr. Nisar practices Gastroenterology in Houston. Dr. Charania is a retired Orthopedic surgeon and lives in Houston, Texas. Regards Amin H. Karim MD
Category: 1960s
The sixties era began with …
Habib Bank Ltd Dow Medical College Branch 1966
Habib Bank Ltd, Dow Medical College Branch was located at the corner of M.A. Jinnah Road and Baba-e-Urdu Road on one corner of Dow Medical College. It served the students and faculty of DMC. It moved to Eidgah Maidan near Radio Pakistan in 2004. The site now houses the Dow Lab.
Student Movement in Pakistan (By S. Ehtisham MD, Dow 1962)
In order to get a clear idea of student movement in Pakistan, we have to look at the religious make up of the educational institutions in the regions, which became East and West Pakistan. On the western side, student activism sustained a grievous setback at the time of partition. An overwhelming majority of students wereRead More
DMCSU Elections 1964
Elections for Student’s Union were an integral part of Dow Medical College, Karachi upto the mid 1980s when they were banned. The following are some photos and account of the Elections for the the year 1964, a year before the War with India and the country under Marshall Law presided over by Field Marshall MohammedRead More
Dow & CHK, Paediatric Ward in 1965
Thanks to Dr. Syed Nasim Hyder, Dow Class of 1965 for providing this picture and information. Here is a picture shot in 1965 showing Paediatric ward. I am interested to know about the dwarf standing in the fore front who was a trade mark of the ward at that time.Please post it at your webRead More
Dow and DMCSU in 1965 -1966
Some of the pictures from 1965-66. The visit of health secretary visit, inauguration of Habib Bank in Dow Medical College in 1966. The information and pictures provided by Dr. Zakiuddin Oonwala. Amir Mohammed Khan Health Secretary, West Pakistan inaugurated Post office Premises and laid the foundation of Habib Bank Branch within the college premises. TheRead More
Department of Cardiology, Civil Hospital, Karachi
Department of Cardiology, Civil Hospital, Karachi. 1968. Shortly before that the Department had separated from Medical Unit II. Dr. Aziz Dhedhi is currently in UK. Dr. Mitha was a Honorary Consultant and is now retired and lives in USA. Photo courtesy of Dr. Dhedhi. Prof. Sharif is credited with establishing the Cardiac Cath lab atRead More
Dow Medical College Class of 1968 in Pictures
Professor Salar Aziz leading the Final Year MBBS Class 1968. Photo courtesy of Dr. Salim Chowdhrey. National Students Federation (NSF) and Young Medicos Organization (YMO) political discussions over tea and biscuits in the famous Dow Cafeteria. 1968. Photo courtesy of Dr. Salim Chowdhrey. Class of 1968 Dow Medical College, Karachi. Photo courtesy of Dr. SalimRead More
National Politics in Dow Medical College 1960’s
Here are some glimpses of National politics being reflected in the Dow Medical College campus in the early 1960’s when Dow Medical College had an active Student’s Union with democratically elected student representatives. Student Unions were banned in 1999 or so. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto at the Dow Medical College, Karachi adressing students in 1967. MairajRead More
Dow Class of 1960
Dow Medical College Class of 1960. Photo courtesy of Dr. Abbas Ghani, Dow 1966 and a pediatrician. He is the Director of Holy Family Hospital, Karachi. Prof. Chaudhary, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Jinnah Hospital Karachi seated with students. Please help identify the students. Amin H. Karim MD email