Category: 1966
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Habib Bank Ltd Dow Medical College Branch 1966

A PAGE FROM DOW HISTORY 1966: Talking about Foundation Stones and Dow Medical College, here is the foundation of Habib Bank Limited, Dow Medical College Branch in April 1966. The Principal at that time Prof. Mahmud Ali Shah is looking over. He was the Principal for 14 years till 1969 when Prof. Abdul Waheed tookRead More
Habib Bank Ltd Dow Medical College Branch 1966
Dow and DMCSU in 1965 -1966

Some of the pictures from 1965-66. The visit of health secretary visit, inauguration of Habib Bank in Dow Medical College in 1966. The information and pictures provided by Dr. Zakiuddin Oonwala. Amir Mohammed Khan Health Secretary, West Pakistan inaugurated Post office Premises and laid the foundation of Habib Bank Branch within the college premises. TheRead More
Professor Fazal Elahi Remembered

Prof. Fazal Elahi was Prof of Surgery and Head of Department Of Surgery at Dow & CHK. We honoured his memory, with a plenary lecture dedicated to him in Surgicon 2013 conference, organized by the Society of Surgeons Pakistan, Karachi Chapter, in December 2013. Dr. Rizwan Azami, Vice President, College of Physician Surgeon Pakistan, wrote andRead More
Dow Medical College Class of 1966 Alumni List
Dow Alumni Lists by Year of Graduation: We are thankful to Professor Tipu Sultan, Professor Masood Hameed and Dr. Afsar for providing assistance in acquiring the records. Special thanks to Dr. Amin Baig of class of 1984 who diligently supervised the project until it was completed. Also thanks to the workers in the Dow Administrative Department. The project took several weeks toRead More