They say marriages are made in Heaven; Some were made in Dow. In the class of 1977 the following life knots were tied: Najam Qureshi and Rahat Paiker Aziz. (currently in Karachi) Mobeen Hasan Chida and Shahnaz Hamid Ali Khan (currently living in Florida) Ishrat Saleem and Birjees Ahmed. (Karachi) Waqar Hussain Kazmi and SadiaRead More
Author: Amin H. Karim MD
Where Are You? Dow Class of 1995
Imran Rajwani MD. Medical Director Passport Health First class medical care for travel anywhere 8105 Edgewater Dr. Suite 200. Oakland, CA-94621 P: 888-499-7277/510-564-4251. F: 510-564-4498.
D 85 Digital Magazine: A Publication of Dow Class of 1985
D85 DIGITAL MAGAZINE DMC CLASS OF 1985 DIGITAL MAGAZINE EDITED BY: DR. SALEEM A KHANANI, AND DR. SAMEENA KHAN Please click on the above links to access the online .pdf version of this magazine> An excellent effort by Dr. Khanani highlighting activities of the Class of 1985. Very impressive. An example forRead More
Professor Noor Jehan Samad
Professor Noor Jehan Samad was incharge of the Gynecology and Obstetrics Ward 3 of Civil Hospital Karachi. Photo courtesy of DowLite 79 magazine which was gifted to Dr. Hamid Zaki by Magazine Secretary Humayon Zafar. Hamid in turn gave it to me in 2012. Amin H. Karim MD Dec 5 2013.
Professor I.H. Jafry
Dow Medical College Students’ Union (DMCSU) 1978-79
Rana Mehmood Akthar (President DMCSU 78-79) Anis-ur-Rehman General Secretary Humayon Zafar, Magazine Secretary Photos are courtesy of Dr. Humayon Zafar who gifted a copy of DowLite 1979 to Dr. Hamid Zaki who in turn gave it to me in 2012. Amin H. Karim MD Dec 5 2013.
Professor Kishwar Nazli Mehmood
Professor Kishwar Nazli Mehmood served in the Department of Surgery, Civil Hospital Karachi and was a popular teacher. Her son Sadeem Mehmood MD is in USA and was the President of Dow Graduate Association of North America (DOGANA) Uploaded by Amin H. Karim MD Dec 5 2013.
Dow Medical College Students’ Union (DMCSU) 1976-77
President: Khwaja Azizur Rehman. Currently Aziz is an Ophthalmologist in USA.
Professor Salma Zaheer Vahidy
Professor Salma Zaheer Vahidy was also a Professor of Pathology at DMC and now working as Professor of Pathology Jinnah Medical and Dental College, Karachi. Posted by Amin H. Karim MD Dec 4 2013.
Dow Medical College Students’ Union (DMCSU) 1974-75
President: Misbah-ul-Aziz