Class of 1977, Surgical Unit II headed by late Prof. Fazle Ilahi 1976. Amin H. Karim MD
Author: Amin H. Karim MD
Department of Cardiology, Civil Hospital, Karachi
Department of Cardiology, Civil Hospital, Karachi. 1968. Shortly before that the Department had separated from Medical Unit II. Dr. Aziz Dhedhi is currently in UK. Dr. Mitha was a Honorary Consultant and is now retired and lives in USA. Photo courtesy of Dr. Dhedhi. Prof. Sharif is credited with establishing the Cardiac Cath lab atRead More
Women of Dow 2014
Photo courtesy of National Health Forum newsletter (
Dr. Mohammed Haroon Z. Khan Cochlear Implant Program
Dr. Mohammed Haroon Z. Khan. FRCS. Consultant ENT Surgeon, Rochandle, UK. Dow graduate of 1975; Class of 1977 remembers Dr. Khan as the RMO when we were preparing for Final MBBS Exam; I personally remember him going out of his way to show students ENT instruments, knowledge of which was vital for the oral ENTRead More
Dr. Abdul Qadir Shaikh Dow 1984
Dr. Shaikh wrote his name as Cader Cheique. Batch of 1984 entered Dow when we were graduating in 1977 Their class has the distinction of having the most Dow graduates practicing in USA. Amin H. Karim MD (Dow 1977) COMMENT BY DR. JAVED SULEMAN. (SMC and past President of APPNA) This was the lastRead More
Dow Medical College Class of 1968 in Pictures
Professor Salar Aziz leading the Final Year MBBS Class 1968. Photo courtesy of Dr. Salim Chowdhrey. National Students Federation (NSF) and Young Medicos Organization (YMO) political discussions over tea and biscuits in the famous Dow Cafeteria. 1968. Photo courtesy of Dr. Salim Chowdhrey. Class of 1968 Dow Medical College, Karachi. Photo courtesy of Dr. SalimRead More
National Politics in Dow Medical College 1960’s
Here are some glimpses of National politics being reflected in the Dow Medical College campus in the early 1960’s when Dow Medical College had an active Student’s Union with democratically elected student representatives. Student Unions were banned in 1999 or so. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto at the Dow Medical College, Karachi adressing students in 1967. MairajRead More
DOGANA Newsletters Through The Years
These are collections of newsletters published by Dow Graduate Association of North America (DOGANA) and collected and contributed by Dr. Shahid Yousuf, A Dow graduate of 1976. 1996_Su_Dow_nwsltr 1997_Jun_NWSLTR 1997_Jun_nwsltrB 1997_Oct_Dow_nwsltr 1998_Mar_Dow_nwsltr 1999_June_Dow_nwsltr 2000_Jan_Dow_nwsltr 2001_June_Dow_nwsltr 2001_May_Dow_nwsltr 2001_Spr_Dow_nwsltr 2001_Winter_Dow_nwsltr 2001_Winter_nwsltr 2001_Winter_nwsltr 2002_Su_Dow_nwsltr 2003_Jan 2003_JanB 2003_Sept 2003_Summer_Dow 2006_DowLink ENDOW_2005_stm Sultan_Shaikh
Dow Medical College Class of 2014 Fourth Year List.
Dow Medical College Class of 2014 Fourth Year List. Courtesy of Muhammad Farhan Khaliq Class of 2014. The List is in the Microsoft .doc format. Please click on it. DMCClass2014FourthYear
Student Politics in Pakistan
Student politics in Pakistan: A celebration, lament & history By Nadeem F. Paracha Updated 3 days ago DAWN JULY 2 2014 This is an abridged version of a detailed paper written by the author in 2009. The paper has been frequently used by various western and local academics as a reference tool to trace the history andRead More