At Lahore Railway Station during Hygiene Toor. L to R standing: ? Khalid, Wasim Qazi, Idrees Shraf, Munir, ?, Javed Tatoo. Sitting: Anis, M Ali, Shakeel, Ismaeel, Changeezi, Aurangzeb, Khalid Bagla; Photo courtesy of Dr. Saghir Naqvi.
Dow Class of 1979 graduated in 1982. Seated from left Prof. Farooqui of Jurisprudence, 4th from left is Prof,. Sharif Chaudhary, and next to him is Prof. Abdul Hameed of Pharmacology. Dr. Nasir Chughtai receiving his MBBS degree from late Prof. Ali Mohammed Ansari while late Prof. Fazle Ilahi looks on. In between Drs. ChughtaiRead More
DowLinkDOGANA2008 Here is a .pdf copy of DowLink Special Edition 2008 Journey Through The Years published by the Dow Graduate Association of North America. It is a great collection of Dow History text and photos, including list of all the Principals of Dow Medical College from 1945 to 2005 as well as Presidents of DOGANA.Read More
This is the months newsletter of DMC Student Union. You will find full length regular newspaper style publication that was the part of student life in Dow Days. Your will find articles, reports, editorials, interviews, opinion, cartoon sketches, sports events and much more. You may find many familiar names and many forgotten names here. TheRead More
October 27, 2018 The Dow 75th Anniversary Celebrations In 2020, Dow Medical College will celebrate the 75th anniversary of the 1945 founding of Dow Medical College. It is indeed a proud moment for all Dowites across the world. To mark this milestone, the college should launch a year-long series of programs and activities, beginning withRead More
DOW GRADUATES AT HERE AND ABROAD It has been said that a tree is judged by the fruit it bears similarly it can be rightly said that an institution is known by the graduates it produces. During the past twenty five years Dow Medical College was born, sustained, nourished and firmly established by a successionRead More
The Dow Graduate Association was the alumni organization played very important role in its time. Dow medical college being the only medical college in the province was the center of all the activities related to medicine and health issues. In collaboration with Pakistan Medical Association it was involved in regular annual conventions and meetings. SomeRead More
Professor Khwaja Moin of General Medicine,was popular as a person and as a teacher and is remembered fondly by his students. Sadly died at an early age. Shabbir Jumani I missed my posting there due to my father’s illness and being with him in US for his treatment. I still remember how cooperative and considerate heRead More