Month: January 2014
Dow Medical College Roll of Honor October 1956
Hygiene Trip to Haleji Lake 1956

Photo courtesy of Dr. Ahmed Sayeed MD, Houston. Department of Hygiene has a long tradition of field visits to areas of Public Health interest. It must have started in the 1950’s and continued to the late 1970’s (not sure when the last Hygiene trip was) but there were none in 1990 per Dr. MasroorRead More
Save Our Civil Hospital (SOCH)
Where Are the Dowites? Last Name R
DMC Roll of Honour June 1957

Dow Medical College Roll of Honor 1957. Photo courtesy of Dr. Ahmed Sayeed MD. Dr. Akther Ahmed in the Final Year Roll of Honour. Dr. Ahmed returned from UK to run the Department of Neurology, Civil Hospital Karachi and was a mentor and teacher to many Dowites in 1960s and 70’s. Dr. Hameeda Shariff, RollRead More
Dow Medical College Students Union Elections 1956
Visitors to Dow Medical College 1956-57
The Dow Days
Dr. Nasreen Jamal Khan DMC 1983

NASREEN JAMAL KAHAN was a Dow graduate of 1983. She died two days ago in a bomb blast in Kabul, AFGHANISTAN. She was brilliant doctor met her in in 1994 when she was working at family planning clinic at Britto road Karachi.She was very hard working doctor and was always concern about women healthRead More