This is the list of Dow Medical College Faculty in the late 1970 early 1980’s. Courtesy of Class of 1980 as published on their website. Courtesy of Dr. Abdul Rahman, Class of 1980 who has created the website for his class. Prof. Mohammed Manazirul Hasan, Chairman Academic Council; Prof. Abdul Waheed (Dean Faculty of Medicine)Read More
Month: December 2013
Dow Medical College Class of 1980 Alternate Alumni List.
This is another list of Class of 1980, graduating in 1981 arranged by first name and from their own website: Courtesy of Dr. Abdul Rahman, Class of 1980. CLASS 1980-81 GRADUATES Dr. Abdul Razzak Dr. Ahmed Nadeem Baqai Dr. Abdul Ali Rafiq Ghulam Hussain Dr. Altaf Hussain Dr. Anwar Aqil Dr. Asif Ziaul Haque Malik Dr.Read More
“Where Everybody Knows Your Name”

Borrowed the line from the famous TV series Cheers’s theme song. In 1980s, it was a big hit and I am sure many of us remember it well. It does resonate with the theme of this blog. Hoping people come to this place … Making your way in the world today Takes everything you’ve gotRead More
Dow Medical College Elections 1979

Elections 1979. Winners with Late Professor M.M. Hassan (Ophthalmology)Principal Abdul Wahid (Anatomy) and Late Professor Razia Latif Ansari.Photo courtesy of Dr. Naseem Shekhani, an Pain Medicine specialist in St. Louis, Missouri andand an activist for humanitarian efforts in Pakistan. Tagged by Amin H. Karim. Please help with therest of the names of standing students.Uploaded byRead More
Student Activism and Politics in a Third-World Medical School

Student Activism and Politics in a Third-World Medical School: A Truncated Recollection of Events Between 1975 and 1985 Naveed Kamal Shams, MD. Dow Graduate, Class of 1982. Currently, Senior Vice President Research & Development & Chief Medical Officer, OPKO Health, Inc. Miami, Florida Since the creation of Pakistan, student unions have played a pivotal roleRead More
Share them and see what magic they perform.
Any thing about Dow Any item, piece of information, historical accounts, original articles, art work related to Dow will be a great idea to chronicle here on this blog. You may have saved political pamphlets or the election badge you may have kept as a souvenir. May be the class list, the grade book, theRead More
DowLite International 1979

This precious magazine published by the Dow Medical Student’s Union 1979 under the Presidentship of Rana Mehmood Akthar was gifted to Dr. Syed Hamid Zaki by the Magazine Secretary Dr. Humayun Zafar on October 10, 1979. Dr. Zaki in turn gave it to me in 2010. Thanks to both of them. Enjoy the life inRead More
Happy Birthday to Dow – Today is the 68th Birthday

From December 10th, 1945 to December 10th, 2013 Not marble, nor the gilded monuments Of princes, shall outlive this powerful rhyme; But you shall shine more bright in these contents Than unswept stone besmear’d with sluttish time. When wasteful war shall statues overturn, And broils root out the work of masonry, Nor Mars hisRead More
Dowite 1990 Healthcare Efforts.
Dr. Arshad Umer, a Dowite 1990 has founded a project under the name of Hamara Clinic, a non-profit organization whose mission is to establish free medical clinics in the slums and rural areas of Pakistan and all over the world. He recently visited Pakistan to get a first hand idea of the meager health facilitiesRead More
Knots Tied in Dow: Class of 1960
They say marriages are made in Heaven; Some were made in Dow. In the class of 1960 the following life knots were tied: Mohammed Akram and Salma Vahidy- Akram (Dow 1963) Ahmed Sayeed and Fatima Sayeed All living happily and may they continue to do so….. Uploaded by Amin H. Karim MD December 5 2013.